
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Admissions Cycle Update

SO... the decisions are in. Most of them, anyway.

I've officially been accepted to my three back up schools, two of my three target schools, and two (of three) reach schools! The reach I'm waiting on is where I go now for undergrad, but I'm pretty sure I dont have a chance in hell of getting in.

Is it bad that I'm leaning towards the lowest ranked school I've been accepted to?? They are offering me the the biggest scholarship, we already have a good house option in that city, my husband has great job opportunities there, and there are nice daycares close by for JV.

But their the lowest ranked school I've been accepted to.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Worst Christmas Everr

And its the first day of my last semester as an undergrad!! I thought I would never graduate. Still havent... but the future looks bright :)

SO it's been almost a month since my last post. I'll give you guys a quick rundown of what I've been up to.

Week1: I was super busy with finals. You know how that goes.

Week 2: Finished finals and was swamped with Guardian ad Litem paperwork I had been slacking on. After I caught up with that and finished getting Christmas presents organized and delivered to Guardian ad Litem kids, I spent the rest of the week cleaning the house and packing to visit my parents for Christmas.

Week 3: We got to my parents house on the 23rd. We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner with our extended family. On Christmas morning, we got an urgent phone call from my aunt urging us to head over to my sick grandfather's house. He was diagnosed with cancer two months ago. They read him his last rights on Christmas day. Needless to say the whole ordeal was horrible. He died two days later and the rest of our time with my family was spent attending funeral services.

Week 4: Our trip was extended by six days to be able to attend the viewing and funeral. When we came home, we brought my fifteen year old cousin with us who needed some time away from trouble at home. I started school today and Mr. was in charge of putting him on a train to head back home.

I can't wait for life to get back to normal again.